Comsol electric field plot. Jun 3, 2012 · Electric field between two electrodes.

Comsol electric field plot. normE is the magnitude of the complex vector.

EDT RF & Microwave Engineering, Results & Visualization Version 5. Their normal components might deviate depending on specific situations. In Part 5 of this course, Introduction to Coil Modeling, you will get a demonstration in the COMSOL Multiphysics ® software of different features in the Magnetic Fields interface, such as the Magnetic Shielding boundary condition, Ampère's Law feature, and more. Electric Field from Power Lines. You can also use filled contours to create a kind of a surface plot with color banding. A beam of relativistic particles can create appreciable electric and magnetic fields around itself, so a fully self-consistent model includes both electric and magnetic particle–field interactions. Mar 30, 2018 · The variable emw. Jan 15, 2013 · you have the min max plot option on a surface OR on a line or , but this will by default check all surfaces and all lines So you should make a subset with a Results - Data Set - select surface or select line and apply the min max plot thereon. Annotations are used for highlighting the effective mode index and propagation constant. This magnitude is fixed, as the phase varies. The total electric field is:, where the tangent component of the field is a vector that lies in the plane of the boundary, and the normal component is a scalar field. Now enter the coordinates to make the line, press "plot" at the top to see if the line is where you want it. g. May 8, 2012 · I have done simulation of a fibre. n=Vrnr+Vznz, etc. Jul 5, 2022 · The surface plot is for the Z-component of power flow, and the black arrows represent the electric field. Btw: I changed the physics somewhat, because your model didn't solve. 2) Can Comsol plot the electric field in such a way it shows the "dome-shaped" electrical field? Feb 16, 2021 · Iron loss distribution for different values of iron thickness. It seems that "Cut Line 2D" can only be used for a straight line. I got desired results for electric field. I exported the data of far-field pattern to a csv file. My geometry consists of vertical alternating layers of two different materials (Ag and Alumina) and I have to incident a plane wave from the top of the resulting rectangle and study the x-component of the resultant electric field intensity inside the lens. But how do I know what these are exactly? What, for example, is being plotted when I select emw. I then plot the electric field norm on the multislice, and the electric field and magnetic flux density as arrow volumes. You didn't show the mesh. Use two plots with different data set selections in the same plot group. You can also use a Derived values node on a selection and ask for the min manx. Sep 11, 2013 · I wanted to visualize how the electric field lines develop between oppositely charged electrodes of various shapes. Best regards, Jeff In this archived webinar, get an 18-minute introduction to evaluating electromagnetic fields in low-frequency applications with the COMSOL Multiphysics ® software. Best Regards, Nirmal Mar 5, 2014 · Today’s blog post demonstrates how to compute and plot the gradients of the magnetic field in electromagnetic simulations in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. 1. In order to plot it I go for "right click" on results -> 3D plot group -> Slice. (E. By) etc. You will find the electric field is then one of the ready-to-use quantities for those The total boundary mode electric field is composed of two orthogonal components, the electric field tangent to the boundary and the electric field normal to the boundary. The far-field functions are evaluated as the averaged linear superposition of the positive and negative azimuthal modes (see the RF Module User’s Guide for more Aug 19, 2022 · Let’s consider a scalar electric field or a component of a vector electric field that is incident on a disturbance in a plane, such as an aperture or a lens, and then arrives at another plane, such as a focal plane or image plane, as shown in the following figure: Coordinate system for the propagation (transformation) method in optics. If it is fairly coarse, and depending on the smoothing used in the plot, that could also be a problem. . Please help. Magnetic Fields Model. I need to knoww how to plot electric field. And I am trying to get the electric field along the sawtooth. Ey)^2+(es. Summary. Please help me how to plot such relationship and anyother ones Thanks Dec 7, 2012 · I am performing simulations of a three-phase cable in the interface electrostatic (es), and have an interest in obtaining the electric field distribution in the cable, as the simulation is time dependent, the COMSOL informs me the value of the electric field for each instant of time which I set, so I can plot various surfaces of the electric field, one for each time step. Visualizing our Results. The terminal voltage lags the current, meaning that the system has significant capacitance. Oct 26, 2012 · But know I want to plot electric field enhancements in many points for that particular resonant wavelength. The Polarization plot includes polarization ellipses for each diffraction order. Then, left-click the 1D Plot group, and in "data set", select "Line plot 1". 93 Calculating Lumped Parameters Using the Energy Method . 4 3 Replies Apr 4, 2021 · There may be important details in your model that could be involved, so I encourage you to upload it to the forum. Also I had defined the boundary for electric potential and ground. normE (electric field norm). Regards, Sergei Apr 11, 2019 · FORUM Electric field plot; FORUM Simulation of multiple electric point dipole; BLOG Efficiently Verify Electric Fields Outside Electrical Installations with Apps; KNOWLEDGE BASE Manually Setting the Scaling of Variables; BLOG 2 Methods for Simulating Radiated Fields in COMSOL Multiphysics® Jan 31, 2013 · I've made a model of a hi-pot test setup to visualize how the electric field changes at a discontinuity as the conductivity changes (fixed potential). normE^2) in space for that particular frequency (2D or 3D, whatever). Application Library path: ACDC_Module/Devices After computing, you get a default plot of the dependent variable, V, as shown in the figure below. For the gradient, change the x and y component just like the 2D example above and then change "es. May 4, 2024 · I'm trying to plot the electric potential distribution but the 1D plot seems to be wrong as the grading ring is not reducing the voltage at the terminal. Hi! 1) First try Electrostatics (es) physics. Posted Apr 1, 2019, 1:55 p. The total boundary mode electric field is composed of two orthogonal components, the electric field tangent to the boundary and the electric field normal to the boundary. Sep 28, 2016 · Or is there any other method to evaluate electric field, magnetic field or poynting vector than from integration under derived values in result menu? 2. Please comment or provide material/links etc. If by "electric field norm," you are simply referring to the customary norm of the electric field, then for a typical time-domain study, the field would be real (as opposed to complex) and so its norm would simply be its absolute value (i. The model also illustrates the strength of using the boundary element method (BEM) for modeling, which is used by the Electrostatics, Boundary Elements physics interface. In these cases, a vector-field formulation is needed, typically when the skin depth is of the order of the device size, but the wavelength is much larger. Just use the expression something like: imag(mef. I am working in RF module to evaluate the skin depth of the electromagnetic field in a medium (e. Note that this quantity is complex and that by default COMSOL plots the real part. For example, 2D Plot Group (Right Click) -> More Plots -> Max/Min Surface. E*x. Take a close look at your boundary conditions, especially on the needle! 2. The electric field norm (surface) and the electric field (streamlines) from the transmission lines. First, I defined two solid circles, for which I wanted to assign a surface charge density of +q/m^2 and -q/m^2. Ez)^2,z)". Draw plot of Emax/Eavg vs distance. I tried to do something in 2D, but I can't find way how to define which plane I want (xy,yz or zx). time t). Feb 4, 2011 · Hi in 4. I had chosen electric current or electrostatics as my physics interface. This is equivalent to entering “real(Er*exp(-j*rev1phi))”. We have discussed the use of some functionality provided by COMSOL Multiphysics and the AC/DC Module to easily get insights into a few design aspects of rotating machines. Dec 31, 2013 · The plot of the radial component of the electric field is shown below. Hi, is it possible to model a magnetic field generated by an input current to an array of copper electrodes (in quadrature, 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees) beneath a magnetic insulator (PDMS) and flow channel with a ferrofluid composed of magnetic and non-magnetic particles? Feb 16, 2015 · It is possible to visualize field strength by choosing a high density of start points where the field strength is high. Like the electric fields model, the phases in this model are also separated by 120 º. You will learn about topics such as simulating an E-core transformer in 3D, implementing user-defined current through coils, visualizing the fields of electromagnetic systems, and extracting lumped parameters. I wanted to plot the relationship between the arc length and the electric field distribution as shown in the figure below. Any advice? Oct 5, 2020 · You can make many kinds of plots in which you restrict the plotting to being only on specific volumes, surfaces, lines, etc. One of the ways you can simplify and reduce the size of a finite element model is by using any symmetries present in your model. In this tutorial, towers transmitting high voltage three-phase AC power are modeled, and the resulting electric field is computed. , its vector magnitude, which is the Arrow plots are available in three dimensions. You can display the vector quantity of interest to you in 3D domains, on surfaces, or on lines through Arrow Volume, Arrow Surface, and Arrow Line plots; respectively. I also found one good option. Best Regards, Sep 4, 2012 · This expression represents the magnitude of the electric field, which varies for each instant of time. You will notice that arrow plots exist in three dimensions: Arrow Volume, which plots the arrows in three dimensions: inside a volume. ) May 3, 2012 · I've recently been using Comsol 4. In the line graph you see a pretty constant field strength along the line. Solution 2: Do not use the date set selection at all. In particular, we don't want to reconstruct the photodiode but simply to say to comsol that a spherical wave of initial amplitude E0 note starts from a given surface. Force <component> _ <force name> . The rise in temperature over one period of excitation is very small. I am trying to plot this transmitted electric field with circular polarization state, but I can only find the "expression", such as The surface plots shows the gravity on the surfaces, the contours show the gravity strength, and the arrows show the direction of the gravitational field. for example I want to see the electric field lines >2. Oct 30, 2012 · FORUM Plotting induced electric field; KNOWLEDGE BASE Manually Setting the Scaling of Variables; KNOWLEDGE BASE How does COMSOL Multiphysics handle complex-valued numbers and problems in the frequency domain? BLOG Visualization for 2D Axisymmetric Electromagnetics Models; FORUM Electric field plot Jan 24, 2011 · If the problem is solved correctly, you just need to visualize the electric field. In many cases, especially in electromagnetics, a complex-valued vector field (such as the electric field) is of interest. Mar 5, 2015 · Hi Im modeling a simple cooper cable electric field distribution I want to know how can I put a range of values that i want to obtain. Jul 10, 2018 · This will give you a 3D plot of the electric field of your system. For a TEM wave or a quasi-TEM wave, the normal component of the electric field to the port boundary (that is, the longitudinal component parallel to the direction of propagation) is negligible. Apr 11, 2011 · hi, I have already plotted the electric field plot between two spheres one at 10v and other grounded in air medium, but how to use the data to plot a graph between electric field vs gap distance. May 10, 2013 · I would like to see Electric field and Electric Potential distributions of a certain potential applied to the boundaries of substrate (poly-Si). Jan 14, 2017 · Plot the gradient of electric field square Posted Jan 14, 2017, 10:20 p. I don't get what expression use for this plot. 2) Use Stationary solver. Your plot is a surface and contour plot of the potential, not the field. E+x. , "Surface 1" or a similar name) and this should bring up a list of options. The Electric Currents (ec) interface (), under the AC/DC>Electric Fields and Currents branch when adding a physics interface, is used to compute electric field, current, and potential distributions in conducting media under conditions where inductive effects are negligible; that is, when the skin depth is much larger than the studied device. It would be really great if anyone guide me to do it. Apr 7, 2020 · Hello, I'm still very inexperienced using Comsol. E*z. After a model is completed, you can add various components to the Export branch and then generate outputs (animations, data, images, or export), or export the information to your computer as images, movies, or data files for use in external documents or for other purposes. Use a Contour plot to visualize a scalar quantity as a contour in 2D or 3D and display the quantity as a set of colored lines. Ey+emw. Comsol uses Ex, Ey, and Ez for the components of the E field. The fields are evaluated along an arbitrary cut line. You have to add two plots: One for the vector quantity of E and one for the scalar quantity of the magnitude of E. Regards Sep 9, 2013 · After simulation, I want to plot electric field lines (Ex and Ey component) and current density lines (Jx and Jy component) for some particular wavelength. Sep 30, 2014 · By clicking on “3D Plot Group 1” in the ribbon or right-clicking “3D Plot Group 1” in the model tree, we can add an Arrow Volume plot. Note that “V1” and all other parameters may be functions of the spatial coordinates and of the solution (V) and its spatial derivatives. Now I want plot same filed in 1-D plot. Jul 14, 2011 · If you want to plot along a random line in your geometry, then go to Results, and right-click Data sets => "2D Cut Line" (or 3D if you're in 3D). Posted Jun 3, 2012, 10:44 a. Instead, use two plot nodes with different Filter subnodes. Oct 12, 2023 · You have overlaid two kinds of arrow plots: streamline arrows and field volume arrows. Ez) in 2d plane Generally speaking, for time-varying fields with significant induction effects, there is a bidirectional coupling between electric and magnetic fields. Introduction. This is probably not what you wanted. EST RF & Microwave Engineering, Heat Transfer & Phase Change, Results & Visualization Version 5. so for e. Any advice? Oct 26, 2012 · But know I want to plot electric field enhancements in many points for that particular resonant wavelength. Feb 6, 2012 · Hi in EC or electric currrent you solve for "V" the voltage, and find the electric field (Ex,Ey,Ez)=-grad(V) so you are already taking a first derivative of V. Stationary, and frequency-domain modeling are supported in 2D and 3D. But I got trouble when I tried to define the Data Sets. EDT Jan 13, 2017 · Solution 1: Copy the data set and use another selection on the copy. As with the surface plot we created in the slots, we want to know how strong the electric field is and how it changes. Ex)^2+(es. Can someone please provide me with some advice? May 30, 2017 · Electrode1: Electric Potential Electrode2: Ground Study: Stationary Results > ES > Arrow Volume Although I am getting the plot for the electric field, I am unable to measure the value at specific points in my model, like I can for the current when I used Electric Current. Watch this video to find out how to create an Arrow plot and learn about the several options available for this plot type. This plot is useful for gaining insight on the characteristics of SPPs. But I can't get the electric field distribution from the simulation results. See attached. Release from Electric Field Improvement. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with how to apply it. , plot the electric field along the x axis, or something like that. The towers have two shielding lines. Generating an Electric Field Arrow Plot in 3D Apr 27, 2011 · I'd like the gradient of the electric field. EDT RF & Microwave Engineering, Wave Optics 3 Replies Rui Vasconcelos May 31, 2017 · FORUM Electric field plot; FORUM Problem in "Electric field component solved for out of plane or in plane" in eigenfrequency study; KNOWLEDGE BASE How does COMSOL Multiphysics handle complex-valued numbers and problems in the frequency domain? Jun 17, 2012 · I manged to get the total electric field distribution E (V/m) over the microelectrode, its expression is "ec. If you proceed to plot this (for example, on a slice through your 3D domain), then I think it only plots the real part by default. The Electrostatics (es) interface (), found under the AC/DC>Electric Fields and Currents branch when adding a physics interface, is used to compute the electric field, electric displacement field, and potential distributions in dielectrics under conditions where the electric charge distribution is explicitly prescribed. In Apr 1, 2019 · Plot electric field for a grating structure with finite periods. Maybe it is useful for other to know how i did it. Saving electric field plots. Jul 21, 2014 · As an electric field is applied, ions respond to the voltage by migrating toward electrodes possessing an opposite charge: anions migrate towards the positive potential and cations toward the negative potential. Right click on Electric field (in Model Builder list) and go to the Arrow surface. How to change the X-axis in such a way that I get a plot of Electric field versus radius of fibre. Using these Mar 12, 2013 · In your 2D PlotGroup 2 you plot field contours and not field lines (stream lines). When you plot (as opposed to compute with, in an expression) a quantity such as emw. electric field mode profile of) the simulated region to those unconstructed region and get a full plot (of overall mode profile)? Thank you. Apr 23, 2015 · Yes, it is possible to plot the imaginary component as well. That amplitude and phase, combined with the frequency you set for the study, completely specify the sinusoidal signal at each point. Right: 3 mm. Feb 9, 2021 · I modulled a geometry using Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain in COMSOL 5. Jul 18, 2022 · Hello Feridun, Create a Cut Point 3D dataset corresponding to the desired point, then use an Arrow Point plot based on that dataset. what i need to do is plot the electric field intensity of the 2d structure varing spatially in y . EDT Electromagnetics, Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers 8 Replies Aug 22, 2023 · Neither the electric conductivity nor the relative permittivity depends directly on the electric field. If you want to view the strength of electric field quantitatively, create another type of plot. Oct 12, 2018 · Using Numeric Ports to Analyze Electric Fields as TEM Modes. 297 Jul 10, 2012 · I have results for Electric field enhacement in some points of the geometry, so I found the frequency of maximum enhacement. Bx), imag(mef. g from air to concrete or liquid). In the magnetic fields model, each phase line conducts a 1000 A current. If you don't already have a line in your model where you would need one, create a "cut line" in post processing, and then you can then create conventional (classic cartesian) plots with very easily readable axes and numbers. EDT Wave Optics, Interfacing, General Version 5. I want to see the electric field enhancement in the form of E/Eo or (E/Eo)2 to eliminate the influence of incident field. normE? Or the sum of the three components (emw. normE is the magnitude of the complex vector. 3 Replies Last Post Nov 4, 2021, 7:10 p. For comparison, we have included the Far-Field Domain node, the full theory, as well as the near- and far-field terms individually. distance calculated using the Far-Field Domain node for a dipole at the origin with \vec{p}=\left(0,0,1\right)A\cdot m. The goal is to see the shape of the field at each resonance of the cavity, within a certain window. I am a beginner at COMSOL. Best, Jeff-----Jeff Hiller Nov 24, 2021 · Hi,everyone. You can easily plot them using an Arrow Line plot. The notation I've been using and seems to work is, d(Ex,x), if I want the gradient of the x component of the E field. Aug 4, 2016 · Well, If I do 1D plot>line plot along this red line, comsol generates the e-field distribution with respect to Arc length (I assume that is what you were saying E=E(x), right ? ). And select the Cutpoint as your dataset. When you use the Release from Electric Field node, the initial ray direction can now be taken directly from the Poynting vector of the field solved for in the adjacent domain. 2 0 Replies Jordan Dargert COMSOL, the COMSOL logo, COMSOL Multiphysics, COMSOL Desktop, COMSOL Server, and About the Magnetic and Electric Field Interface Boundary Conditions . Editor’s note: This blog post was updated on 11/24/2020 to reflect new functionality and information. You should also find "arrow volume" and "arrow surface" plots to be helpful in visualizing fields. CONTENTS| 5 Lumped Parameters 93 Calculating Lumped Parameters with Ohm’s Law. Jan 31, 2022 · Hello everyone, I am new in comsol. Jan 12, 2017 · Below, we can see the electric fields vs. For the Magnetic and Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields interfaces, the force calculation includes both electric and magnetic forces. I have also attached the E(x) plot that I have obtained. " 3. now if you want to derivative of the field Ex you are asking for the 2nd derivative of a dependent variable, this is only possible if you are using a 2nd order (or preferrably higher) shape function, and that your mesh is of sufficient Jul 14, 2014 · Utilizing the symmetry, only part of the whole structure needs to be constructed, but also only that part will be simulated and have data. Left: 1 mm. E*y. 1 and 2D you can draw two circles (lets say more or less concentric), one inside the other, then if you go past the "FINISH" line these two geometrical OBJECTS are united and split automatically into two "ENTITIES" domain 1 & 2 with two boundaries one internal one and one external one (note on circles boundaries are often split into arcs of 1/4 circle, I consider these as "one May 3, 2012 · I've recently been using Comsol 4. For further training videos, feel free to contact us!WhatsApp Sep 21, 2022 · Slice plots are great for visualization, but if you need numbers, it is better to plot quantities at points or along lines. For instance, the far-field pattern of the conical antenna looks like this: May 8, 2016 · I'm currently working on modeling a 2D gradient index metamaterial lens and studying the electric field intensity inside it. Aug 8, 2017 · where “nD” is the normal electric displacement field and V is the electric potential on the surface of the thin dielectric layer with permittivity “epsilon” and thickness “d”. The contours are lines of equal value, in your case the x component of the field strength. k0 as the expression for x-Axis Data to obtain a typical dispersion curve. Only when we come fairly close to the Moon does the Moon's gravity take over. Mar 8, 2015 · I modeled graphene in COMSOL to excite SPP using a point source, I used a circle above graphene surface as a point source. 6KV/mm. Mar 9, 2022 · While the potential is a scalar, the electric field is a vector quantity, so you can't plot it with a surface plot (though you could plot its norm, or any other scalar quantity derived from its components); consider using an arrow plot or a streamline plot. but one thing I've been able to do before, was plot the electric field across a line. Obinna! May 10, 2019 · Electric Field Simulation Posted May 10, 2019, 7:05 p. I am currently using the MEF physics module and am getting the magnetic field plots as expected. The variables defined after computing the study. As far as I know, the far-field pattern are the amplitude of the electric field defined on the unit sphere (as a function of the zenith and azimuth angle). in many papers, they plot electric field distribution as |E/E0|^2. 2) Choose the way you want to plot the result (Surface, for example), press Settings button. es. I am working with a ring waveguide and trying to plot the spherical component of the E field around it. Could anyone please help me in either questions? Your help is much appreciated. I'm not sure what you mean by "the area is cover does not grow. Nov 9, 2021 · Don't use a line plot. 2) Can Comsol plot the electric field in such a way it shows the "dome-shaped" electrical field? Please refer to the attachment to see an example of "dome-shaped" electrical field. 2, after using another in-house 3D FEA package for quite sometime. It is now easier to release rays with initial intensity and polarization based on the full-wave FEM solution from an adjacent domain. The imaginary part could be plotted by entering “imag(Er*exp(-j*rev1phi))”. -----Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc. Hz. Jan 27, 2014 · From there I get good result for the electric field, but when I try to plot magnetic field it gives only zero. Jan 19, 2022 · I have a surface plot of the z-component of the electric field in a simulation I ran (though I suspect that the question is independent of the value I am plotting) and I want to restrict the color range to the lowest (or highest) one percent of field values. I need to get the RMS value of the electric field, this value does not vary with time, is the same for all moments. normE". In contrast to the plots just shown, a far-field plot describes a wave pattern (electromagnetic or acoustic) at distances far from the source. The dispersion plot below is very representative of the SPP dispersion in noble metals. The electric potential visualized as a slice plot. Posted Feb 19, 2014, 5:07 a. Center: 2 mm. (tr, tz) is the tangential vector. So, the electric field in a 3D model would have components: For such vector fields, there will be a norm defined, in terms of the vector dotted with its complex-conjugate: When evaluating results, keep in mind that this norm Get a comprehensive look at the Magnetic Fields interface in the AC/DC Module for modeling coils and electric circuits. The select or enter the variable values appropriately. Jun 6, 2013 · I am trying to set up a line of the lower half of the rectangle - so below the NaCl particle - where I can detect the scattered electric field coming back from the particle. Specifically, the voltage is set to 400 kV in this model. neff with w_core*ewfd. 2. In the Model Builder, under Results, and for the Plot Group of interest to you, right-click on the particular item (e. Is there a way to map (eg. 01m, for example) cylindrical electrodes with radius equal to radius of your coloumn on the bottom and on the top of the coloumn. 5a 0 Replies Syamimi Ismail Dec 18, 2011 · When I first applied the 3d volume plot with electric field lines, the field lines only appeared with the bases of the vectors attached somewhere to the extruded rectangles or spheres. In this tutorial, two towers transmitting high voltage three-phase AC power are modeled, and the resulting electric field is computed. m. Can anyone help me, please? I want to compute and plot the electric field intensity and the equipotential surfaces produced by two parallel plates at their midway and at a point closer to any one of the plates (if it's possible to simulate at points of our own choice). Feb 12, 2014 · There are two nodes for electric potential: Electric Potential 1 node sets voltage +V0 on the left cylinder, and node Electric Potential 2 node sets voltage –V0 on the right cylindrical conductor. The syntax for using only say boundary 6 in a surface plot is 'dom==6' in the logical Jan 27, 2018 · How to plot the flow of electric field from a point source in the air? Posted Jan 27, 2018, 10:34 a. We can also use the global 1D plot of ewfd. But that doesn't affect how to plot the 1) How can I plot the electric field gradient ∇|E2|? Its unit is (V2/m3). 3) To get the correct field you need to add to your model the electrodes: draw thin (you can take 0. This real part is essentially the real field value at a given snapshot in time. After solving again, we can, for example, visualize the variable normJ in a plot. 5a Version Oct 2, 2016 · You could plot the "Volume Maximum" or "Surface Maximum" from the Results -> Derived Values -> Volume Maximum / Surface Maximum. Is that the electric field magnitude of the component normal to the surface? Or some 'normalised' electric Mar 19, 2013 · You can also change the settings of the Probe Plot if you wish to use different units or ordering of the axes (here we get temperature T vs. Whether you are building the geometry natively in COMSOL Multiphysics ® or importing a design from an external file, there are modeling strategies as well as features in the software that you can use to take advantage of such symmetries. If you want to visualize the electric field I would recommend a surface or contour plot of the field, not the potential. what physics / study would be required for this. The plates are separated by a distance “d”. The selected quantity has a constant value on these contour lines, optionally with a 3D height for 2D contours. In this video, Maxwell's equations were solved to calculate electromagnetic field distribution. Use a point plot. Choosing normalized arrows for the electric field will also make it look more like what you are expecting. Nov 17, 2014 · When I'm processing results, say plotting 2D surface plots, COMSOL provides a list of expressions it can evaluate. The arrows indicate electric field direction and strength. As the equation suggests, the boundary condition only guarantees that the tangential components of E and E 0 are equal. Any advice? I've recently been using Comsol 4. 2 0 Replies Apr 5, 2021 · I am trying to create a vector to show electric field direction in my result and i am new to COMSOL, can anyone help me to create such animations? To clear my question I am attaching a picture for reference what I mean. Power lines are commonly used as a means of transmitting electrical power across large distances. Mar 11, 2020 · Yes, that sure doesn't look right. i am interested to draw a graph between the electric field magnitude at various points along the y axis. I am trying to plot this transmitted electric field with circular polarization state, but I can only find the "expression", such as Aug 5, 2021 · In a 2D axisymmetric model, the vector with components (nr, nz) is normal to curves. But if you multiply field components together, Comsol multiplies the complex numbers together. My multilayer structure includes two different metall layers. Jun 27, 2018 · The plot is one I've made in python after importing the data from COMSOL (I do this to run steps to analyze the COMSOL data outside of COMSOL). I am not sure if I am using the right expression. 4 | ELECTRIC FIELD FROM POWER LINES Results The electric field norm from the wires at ground level is shown Figure 2, along with streamlines showing the direction of the electric field, Figure 2: The electric field norm (surface) and the electric field (streamlines) from the transmission lines. Aug 26, 2014 · Plot of Time Average Electric Field Posted Aug 26, 2014, 6:22 a. A far-field calculation behaves as if the antenna is very far away and so gives a wide view that shows both the direction and the intensity of the radiating energy. That's ok. In this case, the numeric port has the option to analyze the field as a TEM mode. Jun 3, 2012 · Electric field between two electrodes. I have tried the point evaluation but that gives me the value on the surface. 07 eV photon energy. I have included an example. Jul 26, 2011 · The electric field can be plot by Cross-section plot, but there is no option about plotting the current. I need some help with this. The electric field seems to be okay as there was an exam in the ACDC module. May 26, 2014 · Right-click 3D Plot Group 4 and choose More Plots > Far Field. However, this was not possible until I defined an area, where the circles where Jun 20, 2017 · plotting electric fields Posted Jun 20, 2017, 5:41 p. As a next step we can of course also visualize the Temperature field at 10 hours (36,000 s) as well as the von Mises Stress with an overlaid mesh plot. 4. I'll attach the program I've been running, but I'm just confused why the electric field my COMSOL program gives me is not sinusoidal, and instead just horizontal lines. I would like to generate a plot that shows the field lines in air also, so I added another extruded rectangle that encloses the entire set-up. Where is the function for that kind of plotting? The Magnetic and Electric Fields (mef) interface (), found under the AC/DC>Electromagnetic Fields>Vector Formulations branch when adding a physics interface, is used to compute magnetic field and current distributions when the exciting current is driven by an applied voltage. The Model Builder with a slice plot selected, the corresponding Settings window, and the Graphics window showing the model in the Rainbow color table, where the model is mostly blue and green. e. Is there any special methods for plotting current in any system in Comsol? I'm working with 3. Ex+emw. While plotting the same, I get a plot in which X-axis(arc length) has value much larger than my structure values. However, the mef. May 15, 2024 · Figure 3. The geometry I am using has a sawtooth boundary. I'ts working great, but now I want to make an animation of the results. From this plot we can, for example, see that the Earth's gravity dominates a large area also close to the Moon. Feb 25, 2020 · Hi, I am a new user to COMSOL. E+y. 0 1 Reply Apr 12, 2011 · hi, i made the plot of electric field between two spheres surrounded by air. for 2D: I made simple 2 rectangle of electrodes (copper )with a circle of air around it and then used physics Electrostatics (es) and gave potential to copper rectangels and I get beautiful results of electric field distribution in 2D. In slice expression field I put emw. So for example, I want to choose xy plane, z = 50nm (in my model that plane is exactly between spheres, because radios of spheres is 50nm). Ex/Ey/Ez results do not appear to be just the induced field as I'm needing. Similarly, you could also plot these quantities in the 3D Plot Group or 2D Plot Group. Feb 9, 2016 · Similarly, you could also plot these quantities in the 3D Plot Group or 2D Plot Group. Arrow plots are available in three dimensions. The Particle Tracing Module includes the option to account for special relativity when tracking very fast particles. The RMS value is the square root of the arithmetic average of the squared values of the electric field at each instant of time. It should in general not be used to excite a model. EDT Results & Visualization, Studies & Solvers Version 5. EDT Electromagnetics, Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Geometry, Materials, Mesh, Modeling Tools & Definitions Version 5. Ex, you only see the real part in your plot. Aug 28, 2023 · I'm relatively new to COMSOL and trying to plot the induced electric field of a spiral coil driven with an AC current. Best, Xiruo May 13, 2015 · Hey all, I really need your help in the plots of Electric field simulation. But if I now divide x- coordinate (arc length) by model frequency, then how it becomes E(t)? Sep 9, 2013 · Then right-click on that plot group and choose Streamline. The computed force is made available as a global vector variable with name es. Sep 15, 2012 · Am new to comsol,i had drawn my model in axis symmetry plane and assigned potentials. Results for the electric potential of the block. Thank you Oct 4, 2021 · I have successfully run several frequency domain studies on it, using coaxial cables as input ports. to plot the imaginary x & y component of magnetic flux density, B in Magnetic and Electric Fields (mef) physics. Nov 29, 2010 · have a look at plot group 2. the position (along the horizontal axis). Let me say, if I use Electric field on circle with E0 having components as x=1 [V/m], y=1[V/m] and z=0. All the reflection, transmission and field plots are good. This model introduces a model of a simple capacitor, the electric field and device capacitance are solved for under electrostatic conditions. 2 to get the electric field. Arrow Surface, which plots the arrows in two dimensions: on a surface. I suggest that you work through some of the Comsol-supplied tutorials and other example files to become more familiar with the post-processing plotting options available to you. g, I was able to plot the electric field (graph) on the surface of a conductor/insulator or any other object, in a straight line, given the co-ordinates. EST RF & Microwave Engineering, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Results & Visualization 0 Replies Feb 9, 2016 · You could plot the "Volume Maximum" or "Surface Maximum" from the Results -> Derived Values -> Volume Maximum / Surface Maximum. Is there an expression like sqrt(es. However, what I want is a broken line. A default magnetic insulation boundary condition is specifies the tangential component of the electric field. May 25, 2018 · Rodward Hewlin March 27, 2022. In that case, I don't think Ex would be the spatial derivative. 1 eV, and 2. Sep 29, 2015 · How to plot Electric and Magnetic Field in Near-field zoon using Comsol Software 5. EST Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Microfluidics Version 3. When I press compute, Comsol asks me to enter Relative Permittivity values for these metals, which is actually incorrect. Suitable plots are a slice for the scalar field and volume arrows for the vector field. Default Polarization plots are automatically generated for Periodic ports in 3D and in 2D, if the Electric field components for setting in the Components section for the physics interface is set to Three-component vector. By taking the dot product with a vectorial field, you can compute and plot the components of that field normal and tangential to a curve: V. There are several examples in the Comsol model library with step by step instructions on how to set up this type of problem. 1) Click (right mouse button) on 3D Plot Group 1 in Model Builder. E expressed without components is the emw. The stored electric energy is proportional to the applied voltage squared and is quantified by the capacitance of the device. Ez)? E0 is the value in V/m you set for the exciting port? Or it is a vector? And in this case, which is its expression? Oct 12, 2022 · Simulated SPP propagations at 3. Well, I am interested in TM mode so I used electric field on circle with only x and y components and z is zero. Ez" to "d((es. As you say, I entered a complex expression of incident electric field of circular polarization, which is expressed as E0x=1, E0y=i, E0z=0 in COMSOL, and the polarization state of transmitted electric field is same. Sep 29, 2015 · Hi! I am a newbie to COMSOL and I just managed to compute the scattering of electromagnetic wave by a PEC ellipsoid. 2a 0 Replies Archit Jaiswal Jul 30, 2012 · Is there a way to get the value of the electric field norm by putting in exact coordinates and getting an evaluation? I am trying to get the E-Field norm value right above the surface of my geometry. You can now define variables for quantities, such as the electric field or current density, and then use them in expressions. Thanks on answer. Hope this helps. Jan 5, 2012 · I've recently been using Comsol 4. However, I have two problems: 1) How can I plot the electric field gradient ∇|E2|? Its unit is (V2/m3). You can display the vector quantity of interest to you in 3D domains, on surfaces, or on lines through Arrow Volume, Arrow Surface, and Arrow Line plots, respectively. Now I want to plot Electric field distribution (emw. I need to plot the value of this electric field (on the vertical axis) vs. 54 eV, 3. For my thesis I need to observe the propagation of the electric field emitted by an UVC led. Aug 8, 2019 · The 2D axisymmetric formulation in the RF Module, an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, provides far-field functions for an effective (more realistic) 3D far-field plot. Posted Sep 29, 2015, 2:37 a. Nov 4, 2021 · hey, i am brand new to comsol and need some help. Aug 27, 2012 · Dear Comsol Users For learning reasons, I have calculated the classic electric field of a 2d dipole. Feb 2, 2015 · Below is a polar plot describing the near-field pattern changing with the elevation angle, $\theta$: Far-Field Plots. rrpnp yif rtknowm xmepp zrmpxg ehaedj yxkx pjm cpg ayyyrd

Comsol electric field plot. the position (along the horizontal axis).